Art project to help raise awareness and support for third world clean water projects
1,400 self-portraits by children from:
Ambrosoli International School Uganda, East Africa; International Helderberg School, Cape Town, South Africa; International School Eindhoven, The Netherlands; Larkmead Secondary School, Abingdon, UK; Marlborough Secondary School, Woodstock, UK; Nazarene Vocational High School, Uganda, East Africa; Rush Common Primary School, Abingdon, UK; South Moreton Primary School, Didcot, UK; St.Nicolas Primary School, Abingdon, UK; Thameside Primary School, Abingdon, UK
to represent the 1,400 children who died every day from water-related diseases, and 1,400 empty water-bottles making a wave sculpture - the children's 'message in a bottle' sent out over the seas asking the world to help - children helping children is a powerful thing.
Exhibitions at Didcot Cornerstone Window Wall, Larkmead School Gallery of Young Art and OXFAM Abingdon launched on World Water Day 2015 all helped raise enough to build 50 new wells to supply clean water to places where they have none.
900 children still die every day from diarrhoeal diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation so please support OXFAM and WaterAid in their vital work.
BIG thanks to Mark Tyne at Esterform and John Herbert at Patrico for supporting the project by donating 1,400 water bottles and tops