Planetary Partners
Planetary Partners is an online community arts project for all ages to share inspiring role models who are making a difference through their actions to help make a safer future for us all as partners, as we are all NATURE working together - humans, animals, plants and planet.
From individuals making every day changes to the way they live, to innovative collaborations and climate/eco justice organisations you have joined, all creating opportunities and environments for positive, sustainable change. We are all Planetary Partners, we are all inspiring, and by celebrating 'us' collectively we can bring about change. The more people working together for a fairer future, the sooner we will arrive there.
We have already lost people, animals and environments globally to the climate and ecological crises. And we all know what we can do to help mitigate them to reduce future loss. Be inspired to work together for a sustainable future within safe personal, community and planetary boundaries.
Planetary Partners aims to encourage and inspire change through seeing you are not alone. Others are already doing what they can, and you can too. Join the Planetary Partners Positive Agents of Change community! Be inspired to take action and inspire others!
Every change helps ensure a safer, more just and equal future for all. We, together, are helping create this future.
To see more Planetary Partners playing cards
click here
Planetary Partners PAC
Join us as a positive agent of change, creating the future we want for all communities globally.
Your turn to celebrate
Planetary Partners
SYSTA invites you to create Planetary Partners playing cards to add to the global pack of cards shared online here. You can view and share cards shown above to inspire you. Other ideas for inspiring Planetary Partners, who you may want to celebrate on your card, can be discovered in the links below to help get you started.
Email your cards to me for inclusion in the online pack! This is a free online participation activity.
I can also deliver workshops in person in the UK visiting your school, community group or place of work
Each playing card will represent one of the main essential elements needed to maintain the nine planetary boundaries within safe zones, putting them on an equal platform with, not separate from, us. The Planetary Boundaries were devised by Johan Rockstrom and the Stockholm Resilience Centre with a group of 28 internationally renowned scientists to identify the nine processes that regulate the stability and resilience of the Earth systems.
You can use any artistic medium you like for the 'front' of the cards, including drawing, painting, embroidery, printing, collage, cartoons, photography, video, animation, music, poetry, song, dance ....
To represent the back of each card you will share information on an inspiring Planetary Partner, either a person or group, forward thinkers, farmers, friends, family, campaigner or colleague you know or volunteer/work with, or one you have found by researching local and global people and groups online.
And you can make as many cards as you like! All cards emailed to SYSTA will be shared online as part of the Planetary Partners pack of cards to continue to inspire others globally. Share with family and friends to inspire them into action, and ask them to create their own Planetary Partners cards too!
There is HOPE.
Through resilience, regeneration, recirculation, activism, artivism, future thinking, collaboration, responsibility, opportunity, innovation, adaptation, cooperation, open mindsets, climate justice confronting inequality and oppression that sustain climate vulnerability.

Glaciers help cool the planet by reflecting 90-95% of the sun's heat back into space. If temperatures continue to rise the Greenland ice-cap will melt and cause sea levels to rise by approx. 7 metres.
Climate is warmed by greenhouse gases.
We need to work together to keep two ice caps, stable sea levels and a reliable climate to support agriculture.
The variety of habitats on earth need protecting. When trees die they release CO2. Loss of trees reduces health of soil and results in savannisation.
We need to work together to keep forests and wetlands that store carbon, stop deforestation and further fossil fuel exploration, stop further expansion of agricultural land and turn current agricultural land into areas of greenhouse store, not emitters, to build up the resilience of ecosystems.
Nature is in decline, reducing our ability to feed the planet. 70% of crops rely on pollinators.
We need to work together to keep thriving corridors for wildlife, wetlands and natural forest systems for moisture feedback, nutrient sinks, carbon sinks and diversity of grass, trees and animals in the food web.
Planetary Boundaries look at systems which regulate the stable state of the planet, for a future with ZERO emissions.
Nitrogen and phospherous are key ingredients of life. But overuse of chemical fertilisers results in excess phospherous run-off leading to nutrification and dead zones in rivers and oceans leading to death of plant and animal life.
We need to transform transport, building, cities, food systems and manufacturing.
75% of human made pollutants are from fossil fuel combustion and agriculture. Air pollution kills 7.5 million people a year and take 3 years off each life.
We need to stop subsidies for fossil fuels and put a price on carbon emissions.
Cardon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere increases the acidity of the ocean causing marine heatwaves. Combined with increasing acidity of the oceans this results in bleaching and death of coral. Acids react with chemicals in the water and kill plants and animals, such as sea kelp which helps draw down CO2.
We need to work together to keep ocean currents distributing heat predictably.
Fresh water is the planets bloodstream. With rising temperatures rivers are in danger of running dry. Humans need thousands of litres of water every day to survive, mostly to produce food.
We need to protect carbon sinks in wetlands, rivers, soil and oceans.
Novel entities pollute the air, including microplastics, GM organisms, chemical and nuclear waste. Herbicides and pesticides contribute to pollution and also disrupt endocrine production altering hormone levels in humans and animals. The major cause of air pollution in London is wood burning stoves.
We need to move energy power to wind and solar.
Action taken by Governments on this shows we can go back into the safe zone.
Resources, videos & further reading to inspire you;
Wise Well Beings.....
Topics for further discussion:
To enable a truly sustainable future with climate justice, we need to address equality and redistribution of wealth, happiness, peace, health, safety, human rights and well being for all planetary partners - human, animal and planet.
What does this mean?
Negative impacts of the climate and ecological crises on fresh water, pollinators, soil health, quality of air are pushing us past the planetary boundaries of land, biodiversity, climate and nutrients.
How can conservation agriculture help restore and regenerate the land?