Creating new stories together ...
Join me for the greatest cultural project of our time, because what we do now matters.
Arts can help bring about change for a resilient and sustainable present and future, reducing feelings of isolation and helping to heal our culture.
We can use art to inspire pro-social behaviour and redefine what success means, moving the focus from acquisition to shared experiences, relationships and community solidarity, working together with nature, giving, healing, creating, growing....where reward comes from reciprocity not ownership.
Join me on a workshop where we will use art to create work to inspire empathy, eco-literacy and self-restraint to consume less and reinvent our culture from consumer to conserver/ecological economy. Please email SYSTA to find out more.
Let's use art to imagine the future of our community, it's values, what defines it, what do we not want to lose and what can we change to help build a more resilient community?
What do we need to change to keep what we value in our community?
Art can help disrupt our accepted reality giving us courage, motivation and emotional strength to transform systems of thinking, evoke imaginations, collaboration and curiosity, and create space for new ideas to emerge which work for us, for other communities, future generations and the ecosystems on which we depend.
Inspired by the Post Carbon Institute 'Think Resilience' resources. Thank you for your amazing work!