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SCI + ARTS podcast
Podcast with Simone Immler, Neus Torres Tamarit and Ben Murray talking about the positive benefits of scientists and artists collaborating together

Creative Collaboration: Bringing Science and Art Together

Panel discussion for Norwich Science Festival 2021

Skills for Science & Beyond

Digital magazine produced with students for their peers personal and professional development.

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using your creative voice for science

Using the arts to raise awareness of the climate crisis with a local focus exploring the effect climate change is having on Norfolk’s endangered insects. An innovative project co-created in collaboration with university students at UEA.

The project aims to empower people, particularly young people, to use creative outlets to inspire discussions on important scientific topics such as climate change.

UEA science and creative writing students, in collaboration with academics, alumni and the Norfolk Wildlife Trust have designed three templates for young people to participate in, raising their aspirations as citizen scientists and confidence in their voice to make a difference with climate change awareness. You can use these in your school and with home educated children.

  • The project aims to encourage students to participate in collaborative projects across boundaries, both across the sciences and working with creative writing students, to reflect the world of work and contribute to a better world. The resources were shared with the public at Super Science Saturday and Norwich Science Festival’s Norfolk Festival of Nature, and are now housed on the UEA Project Change website.  


  • VOICES is part of the UEA Civic University initiative, has been shared by Youth STEM Award, the SAW Trust, CreativeUEA, Norwich Council’s LUMI project, Sustainability Exchange (EAUC - The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education) and The Arts Council’s Creativity Exchange for East Anglian School’s interested in STEAM.  

Students hope this project will raise awareness of how insects are in danger of becoming extinct due to habitat loss caused by climate change and other environmental factors, as well as celebrate the importance of insects for a healthy planet. They have made a film of their day sharing this project with children at Norwich Science Festival 2023.

All poems and art produced was included in an exhibition at Norfolk Wildlife Trust Cley Visitor centre. All insect artwork was entered into a competition, with the winning design made into an insect sock by UEA Biological Sciences graduate Lucy Jeffrey, who has a mission to help save endangered species with her ethical company 10% of sock sales go towards funding work by the Butterfly Trust.

©2016 by Emma Skeet. Proudly created with

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